Episode 76: Did the Goldfish get their money though?? Dynamite’s Justice Ducks Issue #1!

Step aside Darkwing, it’s time for the JUSTICE DUCKS to shine! I mean, technically Darkwing is part of the team… or is he? Dynamite has created two spin-off series, one which we’ve previously discussed (Negaduck); the other we’ve yet to break ground on… until today! What foes will Steggmutt, Neptuna, Gizmoduck, and Morgana face-off against in their first exclusive issue?! Tune in to find out! 


NOTE: This episode was recorded a few days before they announced the newest line of Dynamite Darkwing comics, which is why it is not mentioned!



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Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 75: Would you still love me if I was a slug?

It’s time to sit back and watch Darkwing sabotage his relationship once again in MALICE’S RESTAURANT where Morgana and Muddlefoots go together like wine and cheese! Or… Adams Apple Pie?? Either way, when Negaduck is involved, you know it’s gonna be a chaotically-fun time!

NOTE: This episode was recorded a few days before they announced the newest line of Dynamite Darkwing comics, which is why it is not mentioned!


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 74: THE GANG’S BACK TOGETHER! Dynamite’s Negaduck Issue #3!

Are golden toilets worth all the hype?? No really, I’m asking you all because I still cannot justify my choices in this episode. But REGARDLESS, our pal Negs has finally reached AGONY (not Skull) Island and it looks like he’s got some competition! Maybe?? Either way, you know it’s gonna be a bumpy ride when the Fearsome Five are involved! 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 73: Long Division to Hell

We hope you’ve got a list of citations ready because we’re heading back to school with HOT SPELLS, where libraries aren’t just forbidden for kids in Idaho. But before we learn all about Warts, Hexes, and Boils we’ll be discussing the recent Dynamite comics Kickstarter and a few other goodies in the Darkwing merchandise realm! And also the difference between ‘band’ and ‘banned’, apparently. 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 72: The Lorax’s True Identity Revealed??? Dynamite’s Darkwing Duck #10!

The long-awaited finale in which we learn the TRUE identity of the thief who possibly-drowned Launchpad and stole his compass! Anj and Kitty also share their overall thoughts on how Dynamite approached the series. Yay or Nay? Tune in to find out! 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 71: Do you want rats? Because that’s how you get rats!

We’re surfing into the Sahara Desert to witness the escapades of WATER WAY TO GO, wherein Launchpad gets to play the hero! F.O.W.L is at it again, and boy, they sure do love murdering people! 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 70: It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s Both! It’s Giiiiizmoduuuck!

We’ve got another A+ team-up happening in this Gizmoriffic episode, Up Up and Awry! (Featuring special guest and all-around amazing supervillain Megavolt). Oh and Darkwing is there too, I guess. 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 69: The whole world is his Antagonist. Dynamite’s Negaduck Issue #2!

We’re jumping back into Nega-shenanigans as Anj shares Negaduck Issue #2! With a special cameo from our all-time favourite morally-gray sorceress! Negs, buddy, you should know by now the ‘ol Darkwing disguise won’t work…



Traversing the Stars interview with Jeff Parker: https://youtu.be/9itmXc6qPUI?si=sm8o7KbL2_y_dzgL 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 68: Disguise the Limit DIRECTOR’S CUT

Today we’re covering the episode Disguise The Limit… with a TWIST! Anj will be sharing various deleted scenes from the original script… so get ready as we CLOSE IN on INT. SLEEPLESS IN ST. CANARD – NIGHT.  Praise be the tin can! 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 67: In the arms of a Stegmutt… Dynamite’s Darkwing Duck Issue #9!

Playing catch-up in the world of comics, Anj and Kitty head back into the world of Dynamite’s Darkwing Duck series with the pentultimate issue #9! Where all of Kitty’s dreams and wishes are fulfilled (so long as they remain Muddlefoot-oriented). Keep holding your breath Launchpad, we believe in you!


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng