Happy 2024 y’all

HELLO LISTENERS! Just wanted to let you know we are still alive.

In fact we’ve recorded 4 new episodes, it’s just that I (Anj) have been very busy and haven’t had time to post-edit them. But they are coming!

We’ve had a lot to say about the comics and a couple episodes to talk about as well. Hope you’re all having a good new year!


Episode 66: Dragging our feet for the first half of this episode to delay the inevitable Comet Guy

The wheel has decreed we cover SMARTER THAN A SPEEDING BULLET and so we shall… but first, Anj and Kitty talk about the recently announced Justice Ducks comic book series! Wow, a lot of spin-offs happening here, who will be next??? (Kitty has started a prayer circle for a full-length Herb Muddlefoot biopic). 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 65: The Penguins had to be real!! Dynamite’s Negaduck #1!

Who knew this day would finally come? Negaduck, the most dastardly doppleganger of the Darkwing-verse, has rampaged his way into his own comic book series! And today Anj is gonna read the HECK outta this story to Kitty with NEGADUCK ISSUE#1. Does the dialogue hit those low-octave notes? Does the art stack up? Why are penguins prioritized in the episode title??? Tune in with the Sleepless Gang to find out!


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 64: A Message From Concerned Childrens Advertisers (sponsored by Dr. Heebie & Jeebie)

Alternate title: Drakes will dress up in a mask and cape and fight crime instead of going to therapy.

You guessed it! (or perhaps didn’t), today we’re covering the episode STRESSED TO KILL which is another delightful Megavolt and Quackerjack escapade. Featuring 90’s Canadian heritage moments (shame on Anj for not mentioning the North American House Hippo, our most treasured Canadian icon). 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 63: I SPEAK FOR THE TREES (and yetis??) Dynamite’s Darkwing Duck Issues #7 and #8!

Today we’re GOING IN FOR A TWOFER, and covering Issues #7 AND #8 of the Dynamite Darkwing Duck series! It’s a new arc with some new (and old!) faces. Darkwing is Darkwinging as per usual and Launchpad is…… well, he’s not doing so great. 

Featuring special guest: Anj’s kitten!


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 62: Money CAN buy you happiness (And beefy boys)

Grab your hammers and get ready to smash some piggy banks, because today we’re covering the episode “Easy Come, Easy Grows”, where Drake Mallard finds himself in a bit of legal trouble (when isn’t he tho??) 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 61: An Electric Rat and his pop-up circus. Dynamite’s Darkwing Duck Issue #6!

Iiiiit’s comic time again! Get ready to dodge hypno-child-propelled fruit because we’re talking about Dynamite’s 6th issue, and the final in this particular story arc! The story takes a sudden turn, featuring some vagueness Anj mentioned in the previous episode plus some amazing comic panels. And get a gander at that Issue 6 cover with the chibi-style gang! Please hold Honker gently, like hamburger.


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 60: We are in the STRANGEST timeline…

Today we’re covering the iconic “Time and Punishment” BUT before we get into the consequences of abusing time travel, let’s talk NEGADUCK because my goodness, there is a lot of Nega-news!  Also happy 2-year anniversary to us!

Want to pre-order the Negaduck comic? Check out Previews here:



Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 59: Village of the Darned!! Dynamite’s Darkwing Duck Issue #5!

We’re back to talk comics once more with Dynamite’s Darkwing Duck series and its pentultimate issue for this story arc! Get ready to dodge some balls and all common sense because BOY did we get off track throughout this episode. Hope you enjoy the Star Wars lore?? Happy Pride month y’all.

This episode was recorded awhile ago but DO NOT FEAR, we will be discussing all the exciting news that has arisen in June (mostly Negaduck-related) in the NEXT episode! 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 58: Drake Mallard is HOW old?!

Hopefully you’ve all got a hankering for horse do-overs because today we’re putting on our finest attire and getting into some rare canon continuity with “Clash Reunion”, in which we learn why bullying is the number cause of villain origin stories (and heroes too, so it would seem). As usual, Megavolt continues to shine as one of Darkwing’s greatest from the rogues gallery. Also Gosalyn may or may not end up in the pit of eternal flame, jury’s still out on that one. 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng