Episode 27: Campaign Carnage! (Part 3 of 4)

The fun never ends here at Sleepless Central where Anj and Kitty boggle over some of the pop culture references that appear in Issue #15 of the BOOM! Studios comic series. We’re introduced to more new supervillains and the mysterious BOB. Plus a bit of Tuskerninni appreciation.

Also a small correction: Anj stated that Eagle Eye was an old villain from the Disney Adventures comics but this is a LIE. She was thinking of Razor Quill, who appeared in the Disney Adventures comic “Gosalyn Alone”. Please forgive her for this transgression and the disappointment she brings to her Darkwing fan breathren. 


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Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

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Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 26: Campaign Carnage! (Part 2 of 4)

Continuing our coverage of the BOOM! Studios Darkwing Duck comics, we head into Issue #14, “Cat-Tastrophe”, which is the 2nd in the Campaign Carnage arc. We meet two new characters, one of whom needs to stay in her lane, and the other a true time capsule for the lolcat meme era.  

Kitty has plenty of supervillain pun names at the ready for the background characters that Anj cannot describe accurately, and several concerns are raised about lil Mortimer’s villain origin story. All this and more with the Sleepless gang!


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

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Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 25: Campaign Carnage! (Part 1 of 4)

We’re back to talking BOOM! Studios Darkwing Duck comics with the pentultimate of the series: Campaign Carnage! We’re only covering Issue #13 today, also known as “Done in One”. Find out just how little your intrepid hosts know about baseball (you could even say some of the jokes flew right over our heads. Get it? Like a baseball? Because baseballs fl– nevermind…)

And hey, if podcasting doesn’t work out, it sounds like Kitty has a bright future in the sportscasting biz! Silver linings, people.


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 24: Listener Mail! (Take 2)

Today we take a break from comics and cartoons to catch up on listener mail! Why did Anj and Kitty start the podcast? What are their fave Darkwing Duck episodes and villains? What would be the ideal Darkwing Duck video game? AND WHAT IS THIS MUDDLEFOOT SLANDER?? All this and more on today’s episode of Sleepless in St. Canard!


Link to the comic book dub mentioned in the episode: https://youtu.be/3Jvk7Sqf1VM 


Do you want to send in some comments, questions, feedback, and Negaduck/reader fanfics? Drop us a line at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  



Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 23: It’s Turtle Time!

Continuing on with the comics, today we’re discussing the Darkwing Duck Annual which has TWO stories: “Toy With Me” and “The Untimely Terror of the Time Turtle”. What happens when you give a supervillain a girlfriend? What is the proper naming convention for successive Mr. Banana Brains? Why do 80’s toys have to look like That. WHO IS PEPE SILVIA?!  

All this and more in today’s episode of Sleepless in St. Canard!


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 22: How’s That Donut???

In a bid for our sanity we take a brief reprieve from the comics and turn back to the cartoon and discuss the episode “Let’s Get Respectable!” We get to hear Kitty’s all-time favourite line in the series and find out who’s been digging potholes in the city after dark. Rated D for an uncomfortable amount of diapers. 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 21: FOWL Disposition! (Part 2 of 2)

Today we finish the second half of the FOWL DISPOSITION arc with Issues #11 and #12! Wherein we learn that even buckets aren’t safe from nanotechnology and fridging isn’t just for FOWL sandwiches. Anj loses her composure over some of the creative choices being made in the finale and Kitty re-assesses all the choices in her life that brought her to this point. In other words, business as usual for the Sleepless gang! 


Curious about the reviews Anj wrote? Here’s a handy-dandy link: http://negaverse.net/comics/?page_id=1033 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 20: FOWL Disposition!(Part 1 of 2)

Continuing on with our BOOM! Studios comics series, we move into the third arc FOWL DISPOSITION where we find out what those scamps over at the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny have been doing in their spare time. We discuss issues #9 and #10 where Mad Men references are all the rage and Anj has some very strong opinions about female character designs and naming conventions! 


Curious about the reviews Anj wrote? Here’s a handy-dandy link: http://negaverse.net/comics/?page_id=1033 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Batman transition: https://youtu.be/0vCiT6rAjgc 

Episode 19: Crisis On Infinite Darkwings! (Part 3 of 3)

There was really no way to chop this up properly so today you’re getting both Issues #7 and #8 of the BOOM! Studios Darkwing Duck comics. This is also the epic conclusion to the epicly long and epicly overstuffed CRISIS ON INFINITE DARKWINGS. So many Darkwings! So much water! So much exposition!

Today we learn just how much you can’t judge a comic by its cover and also is Morgana okay??? Are any of us okay actually??? 


Curious about the reviews Anj wrote? Here’s a handy-dandy link: http://negaverse.net/comics/?page_id=1033 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 18: Crisis on Infinite Darkwings! (Part 2 of 3)

Continuing on with our CRISIS ON INFINITE DARKWINGS saga, we head into Issue #6! When there’s trouble, you blame DW! Did you know there’s something up with the water? Also Negaduck and Magica continue their nefarious plans. But also did we mention the water? Oh hey it’s Darkwarrior! But also… water drama. 


Curious about the reviews Anj wrote? Here’s a handy-dandy link: http://negaverse.net/comics/?page_id=1033 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Batman transition: https://youtu.be/0vCiT6rAjgc