Episode 18: Crisis on Infinite Darkwings! (Part 2 of 3)

Continuing on with our CRISIS ON INFINITE DARKWINGS saga, we head into Issue #6! When there’s trouble, you blame DW! Did you know there’s something up with the water? Also Negaduck and Magica continue their nefarious plans. But also did we mention the water? Oh hey it’s Darkwarrior! But also… water drama. 


Curious about the reviews Anj wrote? Here’s a handy-dandy link: http://negaverse.net/comics/?page_id=1033 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Batman transition: https://youtu.be/0vCiT6rAjgc 

Episode 17: Crisis on Infinite Darkwings! (Part 1 of 3)

IT’S FINALLY HERE (despite being recorded waaaay back in December gosh). Today we cover Issue #5 of the BOOM STUDIOS! Darkwing Duck comics, which is also the first in the Crisis on Infinite Darkwings arc. We originally recorded the entire arc in one sitting but it was so ridiculously long that it has been split into three parts! So let’s hop on the Trans-dimensional Express and find out what’s in store for Darkwing and friends! 



Curious about the reviews Anj wrote? Here’s a handy-dandy link: http://negaverse.net/comics/?page_id=1033 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Batman transition: https://youtu.be/0vCiT6rAjgc 

Episode 16: Boom Studios The Duck Knight Returns! Issues 3 & 4

In this episode we finish off discussing the Boom Studios! The Duck Knight Returns comic arc with issues 3 and 4, wherein Kitty struggles very hard with blender logistics. To be fair, Anj is the one summarising the comic and she doesn’t really get it either.

Curious about the reviews Anj wrote? Here’s a handy-dandy link: http://negaverse.net/comics/?page_id=1033 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 15: Boom Studios The Duck Knight Returns! Issues 1 & 2

Kitty has never read the Darkwing Duck comics before. Anj knows probably too much about them. Find out what happens when your two hosts sit down to discuss the BOOM STUDIOS run of the Darkwing Duck comics!

Today’s episode is technically only half the episode, as we decided to split the recording into two parts due to it being so dang long! This episode will cover some background history for the comics and our host’s experiences, and discussion of Issues 1 and 2. Next week we’ll continue with Issues 3 and 4!

Curious about the reviews Anj wrote? Here’s a handy-dandy link: http://negaverse.net/comics/?page_id=1033 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Batman transition: https://youtu.be/0vCiT6rAjgc 

Episode 14: Time To Go A-Courtin‘

We finally end our SpOoooooky not-actually-in-October segment with a… technically Valentines Day themed episode. That’s right folks, we’re talking about My Valentine Ghoul! Prepare yourselves for several hundred soundclips of Negaduck dialogue because Anj has no restraint. Find out what both your hosts have to say about Darkwing Duck’s relationship etiquette and Negaduck’s apparent definition of ‘courting’ a woman in the fine year of 1992! All this and more on Sleepless in St. Canard! 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 13: The Triumphant Triumph of Darkwing Duck

Continuing on with our Halloween-in-December-because-Anj-fell-behind series, we’re talking about The Haunting of Mr. Banana Brain! In which we learn a lot of very bizarre haunted doll facts and Anj says “A+” way too many times.  This is an episode that features the delightfully terrifying Paddywhack, and BOY there is zero explanation for the YouTube cover for this episode. This is what happens when Anj gets left unattended for too long with a working tablet. 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 12 – Fungus Amongus (kinda Sus)

WE’RE BACK after an unexpected hiatus… which means the spooky episodes we recorded back in October are going to drop throughout December?! Oh well, I guess Spooky Season truly is a time in our hearts. 

Today the Fungus are Among Us as we review Morgana Macawber’s first (production and timeline-wise) appearance. Get ready for some in-depth debate on pizza toppings and the amount of salt Launchpad McQuack could dole out on those pizzas if we collected all of it from this episode.

Also we extend a congratulations to THE ST. CANARD FILES PODCAST because they’ve officially reviewed all 91 episodes of Darkwing Duck! Damn, that is some hardcore dedication! If you haven’t already, check ’em out over at https://linktr.ee/StCanardFiles 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 


New episodes of Sleepless in St. Canard will be dropping soon! Kitty and I have recorded several SpOoooOky themed episodes that were supposed to drop throughout October, but due to Life (TM) I haven’t finished post-recording them. 

The show is still going, just a few bumps along the way! We’ll see you soon!

— Anj 

Episode 11: No EGRETs

Today we dive into the episode Tiff of the Titans, which marks the first chronological appearance of Giiiiiiiizmoduck! We also see the return of the ever-sneaky Steelbeak and his master puppeteering skills. Also how do y’all feel about Darkwing Duck being voiced by Danny DeVito? Because that’s a subject we cover too……. because why not. We’re all about the important discussions here on Sleepless in St. Canard. 


Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Episode 11: A Delinquent Surfer Steals an Earthquake Machine

Today Kitty and Anj cover an episode from the “episodes we forgot existed” category! Namely the episode “Bad Tidings”, an exclusive Gryzlikoff and Darkwing adventure! With special help from the ever-sneaky Steelbeak. Grab your favourite coconut and get ready for the greatest love story ever told!

Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/zoyloKayJng 

Harp sound fx: https://youtu.be/qYQJRq5_nPQ 

Chill acoustic music: https://youtu.be/5nNVrUE4oDA