Episode 9: Listener Mail #1!

Today’s a shorter episode where we read some listener mail and discuss absolutely vital topics such as: “How many sock puppet accounts would DW have” and  “Would Negaduck run an ASMR channel”. You know, the important stuff. 

NOTE: This episode was recorded a little while ago so if we don’t read your letter, it’s because we hadn’t received it at the time of recording! 

Do you want YOUR letter read on the podcast?

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Outro: https://youtu.be/Kas6akz1jWU 

Episode 8: Darkwing Duck: Into the Muddleverse

Today Kitty and Anj dive dolphin-style through a moldy cake portal to LIFE, THE NEGAVERSE, AND EVERYTHING!! Is the Negaverse a mirror universe? Spoiler alert: No it is not, and I will write a 10-page essay so I can tell you why. Also, the Muddlefoots are rockin’ it, as always. Whatever ‘it’ is.

Mentioned in podcast episode:

CRACKED ARTICLE with very cold Negaverse take: https://www.cracked.com/article_19496_6-classic-kids-shows-secretly-set-in-nightmarish-universes.html 


Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  



Intro from Darkwing Duck

Sound clips from Darkwing Duck episode “Life, The Negaverse, And Everything”.

Audience clap: https://youtu.be/xiG2xO-4Y-s 

COMBO BREAKER: https://youtu.be/xiG2xO-4Y-s 

Womp womp: https://youtu.be/tPvS0683a80 

Outro: https://youtu.be/Kas6akz1jWU 

Episode 7: Happy 30th Anniversary, Darkwing Duck! Now go do your taxes!

Today we have a SPECIAL episode to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Darkwing Duck’s debut on television! Anj and Kitty review the DARKWING DUCK SHOW BIBLE, the original document from the 90’s which went into painstaking detail about the story, characters, and underlying themes of the show. This bible was written by Tad Stones and answers important questions such as: How do you spell Morgana’s last name? What’s Negaduck’s origin story? Does Darkwing have a regular job? And much more!


Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  



Intro from Darkwing Duck

Sound clips from Darkwing Duck episodes “When Aliens Collide”, “Malice’s Restaurant”, “You Sweat Your Life”, “Negaduck”, “My Valentine Ghoul” and “Just Us Justice Ducks”. 

Outro: https://youtu.be/Kas6akz1jWU 

Episode 6: Let’s Get A Guest…erous!

WE’RE BACK after a short break and we’ve brought a friend! Today fellow fan Libri joins us to talk about why Darkwing Duck stands out in a sea of superhero cartoons, her thoughts on the Ducktales 2017 reboot, and how a water dog being turned into pudding changed the course of her life forever. Anj shares a few juicy tidbits about how the Ducktales episode “Let’s Get Dangerous” received a major re-write that removed Negaduck and everyone discusses their ideal setup for a Darkwing Duck reboot. 

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  



Intro from Darkwing Duck

Sound clips from Darkwing Duck episodes “Just Us Justice Ducks”, “Jail Bird”, and “Dry Hard”. 

Outro: https://youtu.be/Kas6akz1jWU 

Episode 5: An Archaeologist…

An Archaeologist tries to piece together Anj and Kitty’s past wherein they discuss the 100% true factual episode, “The Secret Origins of Darkwing Duck”.

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Negaduck Q-fig: https://qmxonline.com/products/negaduck-q-fig 

Darkwing Q-fig: https://qmxonline.com/products/darkwing-duck-q-fig 

Darkwing Duck OC Month prompt: https://www.sleepless-stcanard.com/2021/07/22/august-is-darkwing-duck-original-character-month 


Intro from Darkwing Duck

Sound clips from “Secret Origins of Darkwing Duck”

Outro: https://youtu.be/Kas6akz1jWU 

News segment: https://youtu.be/dtn_hy6BHhk 

Event announcement: https://youtu.be/RogITE1plk0 

Drum roll: https://youtu.be/Ek56AgxwybI




Episode 4: Back To The Polka Powered Time Machine (WWDWD?)

The Gracelanders have landed, uh-huh uh-huh. Anj and Kitty discuss the Darkwing Duck episode “Paraducks” and the surprisingly dark Elvis lore.

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff?

E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com

SOUND FX: Intro music from Darkwing Duck ending theme.

Sound clips from Darkwing Duck episode “Paraducks”

Episode 3: The Curious Tweets of Tad Stones

Is Megavolt REALLY a rat? Would Splatter Phoenix make a better leader for the Fearsome Five? Which characters do their taxes?! Anj and Kitty discuss various tweets made by Darkwing Duck creator Tad Stones and the fan reactions to his answers. 

Don’t forget to vote on the poll this week! 


“Understanding Alcohol Use and Abuse” Written and Produced by Tad Stones: https://youtu.be/GoYF4ij-Gpw 
“Why the Darkwing Duck Creator is Wrong About the DuckTales Universe!” Nerdist news: https://youtu.be/MnxeasJeNSE 

Want to send us questions, feedback, and other fun stuff? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canardpod  

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sleepless.stcanard   

Site: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com  


Intro music from Darkwing Duck ending theme.

Outro: https://youtu.be/Kas6akz1jWU 

Episode 2: Slime Not OK

Rated S for disgusting slime sounds and slapping (Launchpad with a newspaper). 

Anj and Kitty take a dumpster dive into the Darkwing Duck episode “Slime OK You’re OK” which is mostly just Anj wailing in despair. Kitty also reveals the results of last week’s poll.

Want to write in to the show? E-mail us at sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com!

Twitter: @canardpod 

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1201136503737804

Site: www.sleepless-stcanard.com


Sound clips from Darkwing Duck episodes “Let’s Get Respectable” and “Slime OK You’re OK”.

Intro music from Darkwing Duck ending theme.

Outro: https://youtu.be/Kas6akz1jWU

Record scratch: https://youtu.be/CfBCD1IjRo0 


Episode 1: Why Are Mullets

Check out the St. Canard Files episode about “Twitching Channels” for more cool background facts we definitely didn’t get to talk about! https://youtu.be/FzZE8gx91nI

WELCOME BACK INSOMNIQUACKS. Anj and Kitty do a bit of house-cleaning and then dive into a discussion about the Darkwing Duck episode “Twitching Channels”! 

Want to write in to the show? Send your feedback to sleepless.stcanard@gmail.com

Don’t forget to check out our Twitter account @canardpod

Join our facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1201136503737804

Don’t forget to vote in the poll!

Our website: http://www.sleepless-stcanard.com